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Reflective Questions:


[1.] Discuss your work in terms of the components of an artwork.(subject/form/content/context)


For this project, the content was contained within two different objects. The first one was a .wav file creating a sound environment This sound environment would then be switched with another. Their soundscape would then be used to create a 3D digital object on 

For the soundscape I created a fictitious world called The Underworld. In this world the moans of souls in agony can be heard as monster roams the lands.  

The context of the object is a creative project enabling one to imagine, visualize, sketch, and create 3D elements from a soundscape created by someone else.

The form of the overall shape created in TinkerCad was an abstract structure that featured elements of symmetry and some asymmetry. 

The subject is a machine that moves, contains, converts, and pumps out energy. 

The content of the structure is comprised mostly of crystal that transforms the energy throughout the land of David Garza’s fictional world he created within his soundscape. 


[2.] How does the work engage with elements and principles of 3D design? Make sure to mention specific elements and specific principles.


Energy Gun


The first 3D object I created was an energy gun. A literal representation of an item that could produce the sounds heard within The Field of Machines and Energy. However, I found this 3D representation to be a little too simple for the array of complex sounds presented within David's soundscape.


The shapes used to create the mass of the Energy Gun structure are: Paraboloids, Polygon, Tubes, Rectangles, Cylinder, a Helix, a half sphere, and a Torus (rounded ring).


Asymmetrical and implies motion. The color blue is used to denote the areas where the energy is contained.


Energy Towers


The second 3D object I created was a cluster of energy towers. An abstract representation of what could produce the sounds heard within The Field of Machines and Energy.


The shapes used to create the mass of the Energy Towers structure are: ​Sphere combined with a icosahedron with a smaller sphere inside; Torus, the rings around the sphere and the base of the structure; a Star pulled out of shape to be used as a platform; a short cylinder as the ground base, a Mandala centered around the largest tower; and two Helix coming out the sides penetrating the ground, expanding.

The structure is more symmetrical but still holds some asymmetry as well. The three towers are scaled to different sizes to exemplify the varying amount of energy stored within them. The variety of shapes bring about a form of unity amongst the three towers. Repetition is created by the rings and the deformed star.


[3.] How was your project successful?


I really enjoyed the soundscape I created for my fictional creation of The Underworld. I feel I created a soundscape that can really draw up some interesting imaginative visuals. It is a creepy soundscape with interesting sound effects. 

I also really am pleased with the objects I created for David Garza’s soundscape, The Field of Machines and Energy. The soundscape provided some interesting ideas to brainstorm about what could be producing the sounds. I sketched both literal and abstract representations of what could be producing the sounds. Ultimately I decided upon committing to the more abstract representation for the project.

Although I do feel the two objects I created were both objects that I feel could produce the sounds heard within David’s soundscape. One object designed, more simplistic and literal. The second object designed, more complex and abstract. I feel provided visual elements that encapsulate the sounds heard.  


[4.] How could your project be improved?


I wish I could have added more to the abstract tower structure. This would have help create a visual reference for what the world looks of just a structure found within it. Other ways the project could have been improved was to concentrate my time and energy on one object instead of two 3D objects. 

I also wish I could have made the roar louder within my soundscape as well as his bass footsteps a little more amplified to really create a more threatening presence. As well as pan the static sound effects near the end of the track to add some more sound interest to the track.

3D Tangible Sound

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